Tuesday 25 September 2012

Monday 24 September 2012

Lipstick Deep etch Shot

My Rimmel Lipstick Add so far.
This is the Lighting Set up for shooting the Lipstick, the lipstick will then be deep etched onto the above image I have created.

Today I am shooting the red Rimmel lipstick  that will be deep-etched onto my photograph of Kate and the lights behind her. I will also be adding the Rimmel logo and text onto the bottom of my finished advertisement.  

Product Folio...

Sun Screen Shoot

First Look, Thought looked too plain, the blue didn't give the feel of the sky/beach enough

grill in the background adds heaps of suggestion.
got a grill behind in the background with the blue gel covering it, looks so much more alive and the simple light sparkle is very effective.

Finished shot - cropped, boosted the colour and cloned out a few spots.

Saturday 15 September 2012

Couple Portrait Inspiration, Lighting Ideas and Plan

Inspiration: Sally Mann



Lighting Plan :

On Monday I am having a Photoshoot for my "couple" portrait. I have chosen to photograph children; my two little brothers (2 and 5 years old) and my two twin girl cousins (both 5).
Sally Mann's Photographs of her children are my inspiration, I admire how Sally captures her children in a way that makes them look a heap older than they are. So I'd like to see if I could do this with the kids on Monday. I'm going to try both the black and white background to see which is most effective and I'm only going to have one light on the subjects up high and pointed down from the side. 
As the brief asked for a portrait of just two people I will photograph all four children in pairs and then switch the pairs around. I want at least one of the kids looking into the camera and the other can be looking away. 
But of cause we are talking about children under six here so I'll just hope for the best!


Tuesday 11 September 2012

Hand Cream Product Shoot

Today I shot my third product, Hand Cream. I tried a pink background and a purple and I think the purple looks better and I've already got a pink background in my other product shot. These are both straight off the camera so when I go to edit I shall crop off the bottom and side a tad which should make them look good.

Portraiture - Using Light and shade the Convey something about the Person

Lighting Set Up

Monday 10 September 2012

Portraiture Folio Ideas

Richard Avedon's Monroe portrait is my inspiration for the studio Portrait in which I need to use light/shade to convey something about the person. I am also going to work with the model's Shadow on the backdrop to perhaps convey something emotional for example a slight split personality problem the model has. This shot will have Hollywood Lighting and I will be shooting pretty much straight on. 

Portraiture Shoot

Today I shot my Henson inspired portraits for the Studio Portrait Project. 
I have an iPhone in the photo as my "second light source". Honestly really happy with the shoot, Thank you to my Model Kate Rosier and Makeup artist/assistant Hayley Boyle!

All Shots were taken at 5th of a second, f11 and ISO100

Rimmel The London Look - My Deep-etch Add project background!

Inspiration Lipstick Shot
Inspiration for the advertisement's look
All Shots were taken at 1/200, f11 and ISO100

Out of Focus lights I shot for the background Image for the impression of a nightscape

Monday 3 September 2012

First Product Shoot

All of these photographs are taken at 1/200 f5.6 ISO100

The Lighting Set up of each shot:

Today I shot my beauty products for the small product project, it was a short shoot but I managed to work alot out thanks to Julian giving me hand for design ideas. This is going to be the 'look' of the series - coloured gel (that goes with the product) lit on the background, product placed in centre on perspex and flowers on the side of the product as decoration.

I'm happy with the above shots, they are straight off the camera and here they are cropped - Love it, suits the product better having more of a square crop.