Thursday 30 August 2012

Small Product Assignment Part 2 Research

For my Small Product assignment I will be photographing four beauty products from sportsgirl, below is the range of products, the theme of my photographs will be summer. Decorating each product will have summer fruits (for example mango with the mango body butter and strawberries with the pink hand cream) and or flowers that match the colours of each product. I will also create a background for each product most likely a complimenting colour of card or some wallpaper. 

For the Lighting of each product I will place a light on each side of the product and for the Body butter and the exfoliator where there is a label on top of the product I will also light the top to show this label.

Image Sourced from Sportsgirl

Studio Product Assignment 2 Research, Plan and Practice


Images Sourced from 


For my Deep Etch small product project I am going to shoot a lipstick add for Rimmel. I originally wanted to shoot a Chanel perfume add until I began researching and found that Rimmel does great advertisments and suits my style of photography more than Chanel's usual adds. 

 I like how Miss Jagger is lit from the right side in the first image and I will try to re-create that in my photograph. I will be photographing my friend, Kate Rosier. I own the lipstick that is used in the above image and I feel this product will be appropriate to photograph and then be deep-etched on to the portrait I take of Kate. 

To create the nightlife scene behind my model I will be using some fairy lights hung up behind her and Kate will be standing as far away from the background as possible so the fairy lights become out of focus to create the night-life scene.  

Lighting Set up Ideas:

Planned lighting set up for my Model Kate in the Rimmel lipstick Add

The planned lighting set up for the Rimmel lipstick Shot


Practice Shoot for Rimmel Add Portrait

How the Fairy lights look out of focus.
Today I did a practice shoot with my model Kate Rosier and we worked out that the fairy lights are super hard to work with. The idea of the fairy lights was to create the look of a nightlife scene behind the model but it was hard with my speedlight on the camera to light kate well and not the fairy lights behind her so when we are in the Studio on Monday Kate will need to stand as far away from background/lights as possible so they become out of focus like the example and not lit by the flash which will be to the left of Kate. 

Monday 27 August 2012

Week 6 – Studio task

Today in Studio we tethered our cameras to computers and shot small objects that Julian Supplied. 
Our group was lucky enough to shoot the golden horse and pastel coloured feathers!
We experimented with a few things as you can see in these photographs, I especially like the shots of feathers falling onto and around the horse the most.

Monday 20 August 2012

Studio Portrait Assignment Research


Bill Henson
Untitled #8, 2007/08
Bill Henson
Untitled #32, 1998
Bill Henson
Untitled #21, 1998/1999/2000
Bill Henson
Untitled #115, 2000/2003


Bill Henson is my favorite Photographer and this semester in studio I want my folio to respond and to be inspired by Henson's work. I'll be mainly working with dark backgrounds and soft lighting in my folio work.

For the photograph in which I must use a second light source other than flash I am thinking of using an iPhone but having it as a prop as well as a light source.  
The concept behind this photograph will be a lost (possibly drunk/drugged) girl walking through darkness with her iPhone in hand trying to find something/someone.
I will perhaps have my camera set to Bulb and capture some multiple exposure while kate is walking towards me and also have the iPhone's light streaking through the exposure.

Practice Shoot

Today I did a Practice Shoot with my model Kate Rosier. The above shots are a basic example of what I will be trying to achieve on Monday's studio shoot - I will set up a Flash and soft box to gently light Kate but the idea of the photo is that its very dark.

Sunday 19 August 2012

Product Photography Exercise

Today we photographed small objects in the Studio, our group photographed my Dior Perfume and Jess's Camera.

Here are my Photographs of the day:
f36 1/200 ISO200
f36 1/200 ISO200

f22 1/125 ISO200

f16 1/125 ISO200

Thursday 9 August 2012

Workshop 2 – Studio Week 4 research questions

 In a given situation you are using a Pulso 2 flash pack with a single head and P70 reflector attached.  The subject is 2m from the head and the unit is set to a power setting of 10 and a flash meter indicates correct exposure will be achieved by using f64.  Your maximum lens aperture is f2.


Unit:                Pulso 2
Heads:             1
Reflector:         P70
Subject d:         2m
Power:             10
f-number:        f64

Answer the following questions.

1.         The Guide Aperture (GA) of this unit is;

            [a]        64
            [b]        45
            [c]        32
            [d]        22
            [e]        16

2.         Moving the subject to a new distance of 4m would require the use of;

            [a]        f64
            [b]        f45
            [c]        f32
            [d]        f22
            [e]        f16

3.         Moving the subject to a new distance of 8m would require the use of;

            [a]        f64
            [b]        f45
            [c]        f32
            [d]        f22
            [e]        f16

4.         In the given situation above, what f-number would you use to achieve correct exposure if the subject was moved to 64m?
In a given situation you are using a Pulso 2 flash pack with a single head and P70 reflector attached.  The subject is 64m from the head and the unit is set to a power setting of 10 and a flash meter indicates correct exposure will be achieved by using f2 for a single flash discharge. Your maximum lens aperture is f2.


Unit:                Pulso 2
Heads:             1
Reflector:         P70
Subject d:         64m
Power:             10
Flash number:  1
f-number:        f2

5.         Complete the table below to maintain correct exposure for each new power setting.

Pulso 2 Flash Power setting
Number of flashes
Required to maintain correct exposure.

Let’s make this challenging, J

6.         Assuming you have just correctly exposed your subject in the previous question with power setting of 6; how many flash discharges would you need to correctly expose the subject if it was now moved to 128m.

            Answer:           64 flashes  (phew) -  I reckon! 

Friday 3 August 2012

ELearn research question for Workshop 2 - Studio

1.      What is the Guide Aperture (GA) of both the Pulso and Primo units?
a.  f64 at 2m and ISO100       

2.      Let’s assume you had a flash unit with a GA of f64.  With a subject placed 4m from the flash head the f-number to use to achieve correct exposure would be;

      [a]        f8
      [b]        f22
      [c]        f32
      [d]        f64

3.      Using the same flash unit as in question 2 above and a subject placed 16m from the flash head the f-number to use to achieve correct exposure would be;

      [a]        f8
      [b]        f22
      [c]        f32
      [d]        f64

4.      Changing the Pulso 2 power setting from 10 to 9;

[a]        halves the output
[b]        reduces the output by 50%
[c]        reduces the output by ‘1-stop’ (photo lingo)
[d]        would require the use of a lens aperture 1 stop wider to achieve the same exposure
[e]        I think all of the above
[f]        all of the above and I’m not guessing

5.      Describe what you understand by the term Symmetrical Power Distribution.
a   Symmetrical Power Distribution refers to giving an equal amount of power to each head that is plugged into the Pulso 2, for example if one head is plugged in then 100% of the Pulso’s power will be discharged into it but if two heads are plugged in than the Pulso will distribute 50% of its power into each head.